Serving patients across all of Ohio
Welcome to the Modivcare Member web site for Ohio MediGold. Currently this site hosts information and forms that members can use to schedule transportation.
The forms on this site are stored in PDF format. Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for you to be able to read and print the forms. If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download it for free at

Member FAQs
Are there trip mileage limits?
Trips exceeding 75 miles one way require prior authorization from MediGold.
Are trips for out of state services allowed?
Prior approval by MediGold is required for all out-of-state transportation and related expenses. Out-of-state transportation is approved only if the out-of-state medical service is approved. Transportation to border cities and counties (cities and counties that border Ohio) are permitted if the provider is in the MediGold network.
How far in advance can a member request transportation?
Reservations cannot be scheduled more than 90 days in advance of the appointment.
How much notice must the member provide?
The member should call at least 2 business days prior to the time of the appointment.
What are the contact numbers for members?
- Reservations: 1-866-267-7641.
- Ride Assist: 1-866-267-7641 (this line is open for assistance to members who have scheduled trip(s) or need to cancel their trip(s)).
- Hearing Impaired: 1-866-288-3133 (TTY).
What are the standard hours of operation of the member reservation call center?
- Open Monday through Friday.
- 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ET.
- Closed Saturdays and Sundays.
- Closed on National Holidays.
What if a member does not appear in the Eligibility file?
Modivcare will call MediGold Member Services to verify eligibility.
What if a member doesn’t know how long an appointment will take?
The member should:
- Schedule a “will call” return trip when making the reservation.
- When ready call Ride Assist 1-866-267-7641.
Transportation will be provided within 1 hour from the time of the call.
What if the member does not provide 2 business days' notice?
- If it is the member’s first time calling, the trip will be scheduled if there is sufficient time to arrange transportation. The member will also be educated to call 2 business days in advance.
- If it is the member’s second time calling, the trip will be scheduled if there is sufficient time to arrange transportation. The member will also be educated to call 2 business days in advance. In subsequent attempts to book a trip without 2 business days' notice, the member will be asked to reschedule his/her appointment within the notice requirements.
What is the service area?
The entire State of Ohio.
Who can request transportation?
- Members.
- Member’s relative or legal guardian, or authorized representative such as medical provider.
- Plan Case Manager or other plan representative.
Will Modivcare verify member eligibility?
Will Modivcare verify same day and urgent requests?
Are any trips for a Non-Medical purpose covered?
Are meals and lodging covered for members?
Are there trips limits?
Are trips to a pharmacy covered?
Is Prescription Delivery covered?
What Emergency Room transportation is covered?
Transportation is not allowed to, from or between emergency rooms.
What should a member do if the driver requests them to pay a co-pay?
Member should refuse and inform the driver that their plan benefit does not require them to pay a co-pay.
What types of transportation are covered?
- Ambulatory: sedan, van, taxi.
- Wheelchair lift-equipped vehicle.
Who can accompany a member?
Members may be accompanied by one additional passenger.
Who provides wheelchairs to the members?
The member is required to provide the necessary wheelchair and any other durable medical equipment.
Will Modivcare verify a provider participation status?
Will LogistiCare verify Closest Provider?
Will members share a vehicle?