Serving patients across all of Nevada
Welcome to the Modivcare Member web site for Nevada. Currently this site hosts information and forms to better assist you with your transportation needs.
The forms on this site are stored in PDF Format. Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for you to be able to read and print the forms. If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download it for free at
Come July 1, 2016, Nevada Medicaid’s non-emergency transportation services will change from Modivcare to MTM. Please call MTM’s toll-free number, 1-844-879-7341 starting 6/15/2016, to make July reservations.

This form that needs to be completed by member/driver and submitted to the billing department for Mileage Reimbursement.
An instruction letter that provides the member with specific instructions and information for Gas reimbursement
An instruction letter that provides the member with specific instructions and information for Gas reimbursement (Spanish)
This form that needs to be completed by member/driver and submitted to the billing department for Mileage Reimbursement.